Tuesday, June 29, 2010

job situation stuff and shenanigans

Don't have time to say much right now, but there is job stuff going on. My position at the school is up in the air right now, but I seem to be okay with it. I want to follow where the Lord leads and know that his hand is upon my life.

Please pray that with whatever happens I will know the peace and comfort of the Lord. If he chooses to end my tenure here at this school, pray that he will open a door somewhere else.

I want to walk in his will, and I have been calm about all this so far, and maybe a little frustrated with how it has been handled, but I have not broken down and cried, which is my usual response to stress. Thank God that my husband handled the news well, and we had a great talk about what might come next.

*** Hey, maybe my job could be ending/changing because there's a baby right around the corner!!! Wouldn't that be awesome?


Alison said...

Aw man, I'm sorry things are so uncertain for you right now. I admire your good attitude; I'm not sure I'd handle it with such grace.

I pray that good things are in store for you on MANY levels.

JellyBelly said...

I'm that there is an opportunity around the corner! I hope and pray that you can deal with the uncertainty! Hugs!

J+TMcLamb said...

Praying for the Lord's will for you guys! Awesome way of looking at things - I agree, good things are in store!!

maggie may said...

it WOULD be awesome! baby time will come!

KT said...

:(...try to keep the positive attitude.

Maru said...

Maybe... My husband lost his job and three months later we got the call. ;o)

Bailey's Leaf said...

Prayers to you.

Jennifer said...

I agree with what the others said... what a great attitude to have about this. I hope and pray your turn to be mommy is RIGHT around the corner. What a blessed little baby that will be. :)

I tagged you in my last post so if you're feeling froggy feel free to do it!