Luckily this is just a once a year thing and it is over in a couple of weeks. My husband threatens every year to chop it down or at least trim the branches over the driveway. The year we had the hailstorm was wonderful, because while it damaged the roof, it knocked all the berries out of the tree. So we had to get the roof reshingled...but we didn't have to deal with the berries that year. Oh, for a hailstorm.
Yes, I'm complaining. There isn't much else to report around here. Life is moving forward a day at a time and I'm enjoying the days I have to rest.
Any annoying things in your yard?
I wouldn't want berry innards on my shoes or on my carpet, either.
We don't have a yard, just two strips of landscaping that flank our driveway. The stuff is still green, which is a victory in my book.
Have a great weekend!
I have some of the same thing - wild blackberries grow all through my lawn, and you can't see them under the greenery so they're impossible to avoid. (I know, I know, I should just pick them all - they're edible.)
When we moved in there were 2 apple trees on each side of the yard, neither of which were in our yard but overhung into our yard. Our one neighbor cut their tree down and planted a new tree. It could not have made me happier....the other is my nemesis but luckily it did not bloom this year so the apples will be minimal. They are all junk apples full of bugs so we can't eat them or cook with them. I guess I am saying, consider a new tree without berries. Our neighbors new tree is small but beautiful. It makes me happy! :)
p.s. I do have wonderful compost, thanks partly to a lot of apples!
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