Monday, August 2, 2010

a precription for the blues

I applied for a job. I interviewed for this job. It sounded like the perfect job for me and I sounded perfect for it.

I did not get it.

I got a sad form letter from them today.


Now I am scrambling looking for another teaching job or any school job and it is August and school starts in three weeks or so and ugh.

Chocolate and the Bachelorette: a prescription for the blues


Bug said...

I'm sorry you had such a letdown. I've been there *hugs* God has something for you.

RELH said...

Ohh darn, I am so sorry that this did not turn out as you had wished.

Kelly said...

((hugs)) I'll be watching with you tonight while eating mint choc chip ice cream!

Bailey's Leaf said...


WheelbarrowRider said...

That stinks, totally their loss! Now I am hungry for some chocolate...:)

Alison said...

I'm so sorry, Sissy. While you and I know very well that God has something great in store for you, the in between time, with all the waiting, worrying and wondering is painful.

maggie may said...

I know it's frustrating but just think what awesome opportunity God must have in store for you!!

... said...

I'm so sorry.

JellyBelly said...

So sorry Sissy! :(

Anonymous said...

sorry :( mmmm chocolate! That always makes everything better.. :)

Jennifer said...

Ugh.... that stinks. Big time. :(