On Saturday we attended a wedding reception and then had a night out with two other couples. It was a fun day. I even got to sleep in on Saturday morning, which I love to do. Slow Saturday mornings are the best.
I happened to have my camera with me and took a couple of shots of the cake. This one was one of my favorites, and the purple theme they had could have been tacky, but was really well done. It was one of the best receptions I'd been to in a while.
Other than that, my weekend was pretty laid back. We talked adoption a lot, with people at the wedding and out at dinner. We tend to get asked a lot of questions about when will finally get our baby, and we don't know the answer to that. God does. Maybe he'll let us in on that soon. Randomly, today I found a baby book we bought that gives advice on newborn care. Of course, there are so many conflicting pieces of advice about babies, but I've always been a girl who likes to be well prepared. I spent a little time reading it today, although who knows when it might come in handy. I laugh on occasion when new moms look at me, after I've given some piece of advice that I've read in a book, when the just don't believe I should know these things. LOL. I've read all the same books they have, I just don't have a baby!
Soon, hopefully, soon.
I agree 110% with sooner, rather than later!!!!
Sissy, I am sorry I missed your last post. And I'm also sorry for the heartbreaking comment you received. I just wanted to send you lots of cyberhugs, because as much as you may realize that comment was about THAT PERSON and their insecurities, and NOT YOU... it still stings to have someone says to you with an air or sarcasm that they "understand" why you can't adopt/haven't adopted yet. I'd rather be spit at and told I'm a barren wh*re, personally, than to be made to feel like I can't adopt because I'm not a good enough person. What a horrible, horrible thing to say or imply to someone.
In any event, I am still praying for you daily, and I know God will lead you to YOUR child.
Sissy, I had intended to write you a personal note about your last post but life kinda took over. Can you give me your email addy again and I'll give you a little of my own thoughts and even experience here?
Sissy, it was brave of you to post away anyway!
Oh, I guess I missed the end of that one. People are so bizarre. Why are they even reading infertility blogs???
Anyway...good for you handling everything so well.
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