Friday, July 23, 2010

photo wall makeover

So I started off with this composition of photographs. I liked it, but my goal was always to add to it as the years went by. I want to fill the whole wall with photos.

While digging through a trunk of my mom's, I found a pile of family photographs, mostly from my dad's side. Some of them I'd never seen before, and was excited to find them. The one below is my grandparents when my grandpa was home on furlough from the navy, kissing her. When I knew my grandparents, my grandma was an alcoholic and they weren't affectionate with each other at all. It was nice to see them young. Notice the dark brown frame. I found a whole bunch of frames in the closet but they were random colors and finishes, so I sprayed them all white.

The one in the frame standing up is of my dad's cousin's parents, I think. Ed & Mae Brower. I know who they are, but how they are related is a little fuzzy. Anyway, look how large her bouquet is. Double click on the picture and see it will be amazed at the details. Also, again, lots of different types of frames, that I spray painted white.

My secret trick to making a tabletop frame one that you can hang on the wall. My momma taught me this one! Hot glue and a soda tab.

This is my dad with a new car. It's neat to see my dad as a bachelor. One of the things we also found in the trunk was a love letter from some woman named Sofee that my dad must have dated when he was stationed in Germany before he married my mom. Totally funny to find! She called him Johnnie, which no one ever did when I was growing up.

So here's what it turned out like in the end. I removed the center plate and rearranged some of the current photos. Since some of the older photos weren't exact sizes, I used some scrapbook paper in the background of those photos. It also throws a little color on the walls.

I like the mix of old and new photographs. This is mostly my family, so I need to see if we can locate some older ones from Charlie's family, too. I also need to add photos from all the nieces and nephews as well. I was doing all this while Charlie was working on the bathroom and I would pop in and out to help him and take pictures of the progress.

Just to offer something from the bathroom, here you go. Toilet has been removed and we have cleaned the tub in preparation for this new epoxy porcelain paint we have bought to renew the horrible bottom of our tub. The enamel has really worn off and it is so ugly. We can't afford a new tub, but this is a $5o kit to hopefully refinish it. We'll see!


JellyBelly said...

Love the picture walll!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love love love the picture wall! I've always wanted to do that, but I am so uncreative and uncoordinated that whatever I do always looks wrong! lol
btw love the wall color too.

... said...

I love the picture wall (as you know). I'm going to try and do a version of it one day. Just beautiful!

Sew said...

I love your picture wall! I want to do the same! But I don't have any walls nice enough to do it...I hate it...I could do it behind the couch but then you wouldn't be able to see....The hallway is empty but IMHO it's so small that I don't want it "cluttered". That's a ridiculos statement if you saw the rest of my house....

I love seeing your HI. ;)

J+TMcLamb said...

Beautiful picture wall! You are so talented! Maybe you've found you're hidden purpose in life?! :) I love that you incorporated old in with the new; I just love to look at old photos - seems things were so much simpler then.

Frizzy said...

What precious memories you have on that wall there. It's beautiful Sissy! I can't wait to see how it continues to grow.

maggie may said...

i love old family pics! and you have inspired me. at our next house, i am going to try to get a lot more older pics and make a whole wall. now all the photos are in boxes bc we are showing the house. can't wait to try this out in our new home (fingers crossed)

Alison said...

Your picture wall is bootaful. I love the soda pop top idea. Your mom is a genius!