Wednesday, December 22, 2010

spending time

I am not sure how much to say about what is going on in our lives right now, because it is one of those things I'm not sure how I feel about. It's hard to put things into words when I'm not exactly sure where I want to land on it. It's confusing.

All I really want to say about it is that we have been spending time with two kids from our church that need a little attention. The parents aren't in the picture and they live with their great-grandmother. Charlie came across the situation a while ago and God really pressed on his heart that these two needed some love.

So we've been spending time. Those are the facts.

Maybe more to come later.


Alison said...

Spending time is a good thing. You have something to offer and they obviously need that something.

Merry Christmas, Sissy!

KT said...

There are a lot of kids out there that need time spent with them. I am finding that all of the kids in our mentor program just love to meet because they are seeking time and attention. Sadly, many of them have parents who just don't have the time for them. :(

Merry Christmas Sissy; I so much enjoy being blogging buddies with you.